Thursday, November 10, 2011

A lesson learned from the Wicked Queen

     (Note:  Please read the previous post titled "Mirror, Mirror on the Wall..." if you haven't watched "Snow White" or don't remember what happens.) 

     With out a doubt, “Snow White” is one charming fairytale.  (It’s sure charmed its way into my Grandpa’s heart!)  It's so cute, funny, and hopelessly romantic.  I believe, though, that there is far more to this story than what meets the eye.  In fact, I know that there are some important truths that we can learn from “Snow White”.  For instance, let’s take a look at the evil Queen.  Everything she did was driven by jealousy which itself stemmed from insecurity.  Let me explain.  Remember how each day the Queen would stand before her magic mirror and ask it who was the fairest in the land?  Have you ever thought of why she did that?  When the mirror told her that she was the prettiest, it made her feel secure.  But, let’s get real, it wasn’t real security.  Her assurance of beauty only fed pride which in turn made her feel secure.  You see, when we are prideful, we view ourselves as more important than other people, like we are somehow above them.  And, to be honest, pride does give us a sense of “security”.  But, a security that is dependent on how we look will crumble when we come across someone who is better looking that us (not to mention that its super shallow).  That’s exactly what happened to the Wicked Queen.  She “liked” people who weren’t as gorgeous as she was because she felt like she was important…as if they looked up to her because of her looks.  However, when Snow White blossomed into the fairest maid in the land, she lost her sense of security and power.  She became jealous.  Jealous of the power that she supposed that Snow White possessed.  In her eyes, her step-daughter now had “the upper hand”.  As you already know, the Queen’s jealousy was so strong that she eventually died in her attempt to “regain her power and confidence.”   (It’s terribly sad when you think about it.  Because of her misunderstanding of security, she never got to experience the beautiful relationship that a mother can have with her daughter.)  Really, this gets me thinking about what my own sense of security is founded on.  Is it based on pride?  Or, on what I can do?  Too often, I’m afraid it is.  I am too focused on how good I can make myself look or on how well I can do something.  However, in all honesty, the times when I feel the most secure are when I am with my Father.  Why?  Because I know when I talk to him that He is focusing on every word, that He truly cares about what I have to say.  Or, times when I feel terrified (like on roller coasters :D), He comforts and soothes me.  I’m His little girl…so I know that in any situation, I can run into His arms.  THAT makes me feel secure.  To know someone who really cares about my well-being.  (Isn’t my Father, great?  More on Him later…)  So, to sum this up, I believe that true security should be founded on the knowledge that no matter what happens, you have someone you trust and can turn to.  Personally, I hope that my security is based on knowing that my Father has my back in any situation instead of being like the Wicked Queen and basing it on looks.  


1 comment:

  1. Wonderful post, Bella!!
    Thanks for commenting on my blog, I enjoyed hearing what you love most about Autumn..
    We had a lovely time at the P's house, I look forward to seeing your family again soon!

    Have a blessed weekend, dear!

